Conversation started today
Aspie-girl's niece
Aspie-girl's niece
Thoughts? X
I'm not sure why you've sent me this...?
Aspie-girl's niece
No idea why whatsoever? I was asking your thoughts regarding this popular photo posted by B's peer?
(B is my 12 year old daughter - the girl in the picture is 16)
I have no thoughts.
Aspie-girl's niece
I cannot tell if you are being deliberately obtuse?
I don't know what you want me to say.
Okay - these are my thoughts. 1) this girl is several years older than B. 2) I think the picture is very pretty and quite artistic 3) I was struggling to figure out what you were objecting to, but I assume it is the fact that she is showing her bare shoulders and the tiniest amount of cleavage, and my thought there is that you yourself have shown far more revealing pictures, and so have I 4) she is not my daughter, nor is she yours, so i don't see what business it is of either of us.
And I didn't have any of those thoughts until you drew my attention to it.
And remember, I have AS so not so good with the non-verbal communication here. If you were getting at something else please tell me.
Aspie-girl's niece
Wotevs. U have just demonstrated that you knew what I was alluding to. Would have been probably easier and friendlier just to say that u weren't concerned...?
I thought I did.
Aspie-girl's niece
But it didn't occur to me till you pointed out, and I had to think hard as to what your possible objection might have been. And I still wasnt sure I was right.
Might have been easier if you'd just said it.
So, are you actually expecting me to do anything about your concerns?
Aspie-girl's niece
okay then. So why bring it up?
Remember I can't read your mind, especially over message. This tends to be the point in conversation where people start to get annoyed with me, leaving me sat here totally confused.
And they don't tend to explain themselves, so I am left none the wiser.
AS - remember.
(Later) And yet one more who doesn't explain.
Aspie-girl's niece
You have asked me why I brought it up and yet my intentions were clear from the outset. I simply asked you your thoughts. You provided them.
Honestly your intentions were not clear - you may have thought they were, but they weren't. I still don't know why you brought it up, if you didn't expect me to do anything about it.
Aspie-girl's niece
I just told you. I brought it up because I wanted to know what you thought. That is all. There is nothing more to be read into it. Do AS ppl often overanalyse others intentions? I was concerned. I wanted to know if you were concerned. It is the same as asking someone if they enjoy music or the taste of cake?
Ok - this is the convo from my POV. You sent me a random pic and asked me my thoughts. I told you I had no thoughts, which was perfectly true. You accused me of being deliberately obtuse, which often happens so I figured I was missing something. I tried to think of some thoughts for you. You did not seem happy with my thoughts. I have since spent the rest of the convo trying to figure out your original intentions, and why you are not happy.
To answer your question, I think AS people often struggle to understand what people's intentions actually ARE, especially as NT people (non-autistics) don't tend to be overt with their intentions, as they assume they are obvious, which they probably are to other NT people.
You didn't actually ask me if I was concerned, you asked me what my thoughts were, and I didn't have any. If you had said "Are you concerned about this picture," I would have answered "No." which would have sparked off a whole different conversation.
Aspie-girl's niece
I was not being vague when I asked for your thoughts. And I am sure that whether you have as or not you are intelligent enough to reason that I meant your considered thoughts. I am unclear why you are asking me to explain my frustrations as I don't know if you are willing or indeed able take this knowledge into account in future social encounters. Regardless I hav laid out my reasoning as best as I as an NT am able.
So, basically, you were concerned by the minimal amount of skin this girl was showing, but you didn't want me to do anything about it, and you wanted to know if I was concerned also, but even if I had been concerned, you didn't expect me to do anything about it. Is that about right? Because that's all I've got from this conversation. Seems pretty pointless.
Honestly, I don't mean to offend, but I'm going to put this encounter into the big mental pile that's labelled "I don't get it."
FTR, the last conversation I had with your mother is in there also.
See, this is where having AS is a massive disadvantage. For the most part, we can appear normal, but now and again we just really don't get it. And people don't understand that we don't get it because, for the most part, we appear normal. So the assumption is that we MUST get it and we are somehow pretending not to get it. And then when you ask people to explain, they just go "Whatevs" and don't bother, because they assume that you actually do get it and are just pretending not to.
This is a problem that DH and I had a lot before I got diagnosed but thankfully he is finally understanding that if I say I don't get it, I REALLY don't get it and he has to be patient with me and explain.
Aspie-girl's Dad
In a nutshell and I think that K would agree with this, we were simply concerned that one of B's FB 'friends' was apparently posting a pic which was bordering on child 'soft porn'.
But, to what end?
And I don't see it myself. I think it is pretty.
Aspie-girl's Dad
Well even some of this young lady's friends thought it was a bit OTT.
Well I wouldn't know.
Aspie-girl's niece
If ud have given it ur considered thoughts once I'd asked u too and u felt the same as me I would have felt that I had done what I felt was proper and you could have acted in whatever way you saw fit. Had u thought the photo was immoral would you still be acting so nonplussed as to why I had asked you what you thought of it????
K - there is nothing i could have done. She is not my daughter.
Aspie-girl's niece
You could of course have ascertained if B had been influenced by it by discussing it with her. If you had seen my son walking dangerously near a cliff face you'd have done the same to me. You are clever enough to realise all this.
I was just concerned about B.
I was just concerned about B.
I was just concerned about B.
Do u really still not get it???
No I don't. Why would this picture adversely affect B?
And she's only just come home so I haven't been able to discuss it with her, if I thought there was anything to discuss.
Aspie-girl's niece
Omg because it is very popular. She wants to be popular. I respect the fact that u know her well enough to decide whether she'd copy it. I was just asking you to consider it. This is not rocket science. I am not asking you to read my mind. I was trying to be nice. Even though u say that u don't understand I've heard u say that u like to wind ppl up on the internet etc. Do this to strangers if u like, not to ppl who have good intentions.
Okay - you did not actually tell me you were concerned about B - you just aksed me what my thoughts were on some random picture of one of B's friends.
This is the first you've said about your concerns that B might try to copy her - that thought did not even cross my mind. You asked me a simple question - what my thoughts were. I answered it. Clearly your thoughts were very different, but you did not share those thoughts with me.
Do me a favour - read back over the conversation and look at the words you used. The actual words - because those are the only things I get. I am not privy to the thoughts behind the words. I only know what you tell me, so LOOK at what you tell me, not what you think you've told me. I'm not being deliberately obtuse.
Aspie-girl's niece
No you are correct. I expected a level of common sense. I expected you to use your knowledge of children to know that they copy each other. In the future it may be wiser not to waste ppls time asking why they have stopped speaking to you because its prob just that by societal norms you are being really rude to them in the words that YOU used. That is all. I said what I felt I should to help my cousin.
I don't want to continue discussing.
She's not a child. At her age you were with Phil and I presume doing far more than posting arty shots on fb. Your profile pic shows far more flesh than hers does . I was not rude and I did not ask anyone why they had stopped speaking to me as I was not aware anyone had stopped speaking to me. And yet again, one more person doesn't get that the problem is not with me.
Aspie-girl's niece
The problem is only not with you if you don't mind dismissing ppls good intentions. That is a rude thing to do even if the literal words that you say are not. My intentions throughout were just to be a good cousin. I feel sorry that u can't appreciate that in ppl.
You assume that I knew what your intentions were. Honestly, I was just confused as to why you were messaging me at all, and what you wanted me to do. I wasn't dismissing you - I just didn't understand what you meant by any of this. Getting irritated with me, or insulting my intelligence does no good. It's like getting irritated with a blind person, or implying they are stupid because they cannot see what you can see. Now I realise you are not accustomed to dealing with someone with AS, but trust me when I say this conversation is very very familiar. Not the content, but the attitude of the NT, and the irritation, and the accusations of being deliberately obtuse, and the exasperation, and the assumption that I know exactly what you are talking about. Welcome to my world. THIS is why it is a disability.
Aspie-girl's niece
Nope. I'm saddened that even after I've just told u I was just trying to be nice you've not just said thanks.
Aspie-girl's Dad
Can we perhaps put all this down to a misunderstanding and be friends again?XX
And after all that very clear explaining on your part, she still didn't understand; she expected you to say "thanks". I know that for me, I don't apologize unless I am sorry, or say thank you unless I am thankful either for what I've been given or because I appreciate the intention. In this situation, I don't see anything that you would be thankful for, since the conversation was a waste of time and energy for you. I really wish that more people understood that what is a minor annoyance for NTs may be totally confusing and draining for an Aspie, because we don't just dismiss things. We try our best to understand and to make ourselves clear as well.
ReplyDeleteAsperger's is not required to feel drained by this conversation. the niece should learn to be more clear of her own intentions and state them. If she isn't clear in her own mind, and then say what she means, she can't expect to be understood by others--aspergers or not. Seeems she was very frustrated. But, it was her own lack of clarity that she should be frustrated with. she shouldn't take it out on anyone else. After going back and forth, and the other person gets mad and defesive--blaming you--it may be ok to find a way out of the conversation. Not everything has to be understood. Really.
ReplyDeleteAlso, it is ok to be sorry when it is not your fault. as in: I'm sorry that I really do not understand your point, your intention, or your expectation. It is ok to ask the other person to start over. This sort of thing happens with Non-aspies. Do overs are good. That way you let the other person off the hook for being unclear and they are less likely to be defensive.
does that help?
(my opinion -- from a non-autistic, introverted, dylexic)
I'm not an aspie; I found this by accident, and I found what she was trying to say rather confusing. And I thought you were much politer than I would have been. I was highly frustrated just part way through the convo! I suppose a polite finish would be to say 'thanks for finally expressing your concerns, but it doesn't worry me. You need to work on your communication skills though, and also your internet manners. '
ReplyDeleteAnd then if she says she doesn't know what you mean, ask her not to be deliberately obtuse ;)
As far as I know I am not an aspie but I definitely have some of the traits. That will reflect in the following question:
ReplyDeleteThere are two photos (without and with the facebook frame and communication). Which one did your niece ask you to relate to (left, right or both)?
That makes a difference as to how I interprete the conversation.
Thanks in advance for reply!
She sent me them both with the single message "Thoughts?".
ReplyDeleteI put the obscuring ovals on them when I reposted it to this blog to protect her privacy.
I am not diagnosed with Aspergers but recognise the traits in myself. I have been accused of being deliberately obtuse, been told 'that for someone very intelligent, you have no common sense'. I have also been told that I am very logical and philosophical. Typical of my thinking, I used to upset people who's homes I stayed in by not 'making the bed'. I didn't realise that they would feel disrespected by me not making a bed. To me, there is no point in using your time and energy to make a bed appear tidy in a room that few if any people are going to see, and you'll be getting right back into the bed soon enough. I don't make my bed at home and don't force my children to do it. I ask parents who do force their children to make their beds every morning 'Why?' and they say it's to 'make the room look tidy' which clearly pleases them, whereas I don't care at all as to whether somebody else's bed looks neat or not, why should I? I think if somebody is upset by not leaving their covers neat, then let them make their bed.... but to me it seems an illogical waste of time. I have noticed that my children are slow at doing practical things, as was I as a child. I naturally got faster as I grew up. But do I want my children to be late for school or get up earlier, hence lose sleep, so that they have time to leave their beds looking tidy? No, because there is absolutely NO consequence to anyone in our home of leaving their duvet bunched up or pulled flat. Nobody cares about 'inconsequential, insignificant, little things' like that. In other homes, people get upset, offended that you lack the politeness of doing these things... so I make the effort in other homes to appease people, once I learn what THEIR PROBLEMS are. To me, NT people have lots of strange problems that they really needn't have. Their lives would be simpler, easier, less stressful if they would apply logic, rather than this thing they call 'common sense'.... sometimes it seems like people have OCD because society tells them they must have it.
ReplyDeleteWow, my head always hurts after conversations like these. Couldn't she have just asked her question/expressed her concerns in English? You did nothing wrong.